Information Hub
No matter if you're a Venturer, Linking Scout, Interstate participant, Parent, Leader or Rover, this page will have all the key info you need before you set off for AG.
Click on the tab relevant to you below to access the info you need.

Venturers, before you set off on your weekend adventure there are a few things you must remember.
What to pack:
AG is like many other weekend camps and requires you to bring changes of clothes, tents and group gear for cooking. Many activities require some clothes for wearing in water, so make sure you pack what you need.
AG has a strict code of conduct for the event which covers everything from behaviors we would like to see to ones which we need to report. Undertaking any activities under category 4 will have you being sent home immediately. We will be conducting bag searches when you arrive on Friday and you can access the code of conduct here.
The Festival:
AG is having a festival this year and the theme is "Op-Shop Formal". Hunt down your finest thrift, get the your fancy formal vibes ready and always ensure your costumes are inline with the event code of conduct.
Jelly Wrestling:
Before you can battle it out with your friends in the jelly ring, you must first see the rules and ensure that you comply. Failing to do so can have you removed from the activity and face repercussions. Download rules.
Not sure which activities you booked? Head on over to your application and check under the activities tab to see. Alternatively you can look on the back of your ID tag while onsite.
Linking Scouts, before you set off on your weekend adventure there are a few things you must remember.
Linking Scout requirements:
Before you set off on your first Venturer camp, you must ensure you follow the conditions for Linking Scouts. Linking Scouts must attend with a Venturer unit and cannot go alone. They must also be endorsed by the Venturer unit they are attending with.
What to pack:
AG is like many other weekend camps and requires you to bring changes of clothes, tents and group gear for cooking. Many activities require some clothes for wearing in water, so make sure you pack what you need.
AG is a DADS camp which means no Drugs, Alcohol, Discrimination or Sex. Anything you pack which would break these rules including Vapes and Cigarettes are banned and bags may be checked upon arrival.
The Festival:
AG is having a festival this year and the theme is "Op-Shop Formal". Hunt down your finest thrift, get the your fancy formal vibes ready and always ensure your costumes are inline with the event code of conduct.
Jelly Wrestling:
Before you can battle it out with your friends in the jelly ring, you must first see the rules and ensure that you comply. Failing to do so can have you removed from the activity and face repercussions. Download rules.
Not sure which activities you booked? Head on over to your application and check under the activities tab to see. Alternatively you can look on the back of your ID tag while onsite.
Coming to AG from interstate? Well before you can come there are some things must remember to ensure everyone has a great time!
Airport Shuttle:
We have organised a Shuttle from Melbourne (MEL) Airport. To Make this shuttle you must have a flight which arrives before 9:30pm on 23rd of February 2024.
Flights returning home must be booked no earlier than 4pm on the 25th of February 2024.
Our shuttle will only run from Melbourne (MEL) Airport not Avalon (AVV) Airport.
What you'll need:
Standard camp gear such as tents are all you need. Food and other things will be organised by the group you'll be placed with at an additional cost.
If a leader from your group is available we would strongly encourage them to attend.
Branch Approval:
Interstate Venturers are welcome to attend Anything Goes, but we require you to meet your local branches requirements to attend.
Most states require members to complete and have approved an Interstate Travel Permit form. Once approved by your local branch, it will be forwarded to Scouts Victoria for approval.
If you don’t have an approved Interstate Travel Permit, you will not be able to attend Anything Goes.
Please contact your Branch HQ for these forms.
If there is something your unit needs help with to get to AG such as transport or gear for while you're here, reach out to our team and we'll see what we can do (no promises).
While at the event we will place you with a group which will help in sorting your catering for the event. There may be an additional charge for this which they will facilitate.
Rovers, we need your help to make AG possible for our Venturers and here you'll find some important information to help make the weekend a success.
Cost and food:
There is no cost for Rovers to attend AG in a service capacity and we provide Rovers with catering from the canteen.
Roles of Rovers at AG:
Through the online signup please indicate which roles you would prefer to assist with and your availability if you are not able to attend the whole weekend. As Rovers are adult members of the Scout movement you will be required to camp in a designated area. Anything Goes is also a totally dry site and the consumption of alcohol will not be tolerated.
All work for Rovers in 2024 will be coordinated through our HR Manager – Owyne Zobel and the personnel team. This will ensure greater control over what Rovers are requested to do during the course of the weekend.
Rover Scout Policies:
AG has two policies for Rover Scouts, you can download and review both below.
Thank you for leading our Venturers to a fantastic weekend away. We'll be sending out reminders via email in the weeks before but here are some general things to keep in mind.
Each unit will be given a plot proportional to your unit. These spaces are not infinitely large so please keep in mind what kind of tents, shelters and cooking facilities you are bringing.
Who is going form my unit?
Leaders can sign up even if they are not attending to see which Venturers from their unit are attending.
Child Safe Scouting:
Child Safety is our number one priority for all our members. If you do see something you are unsure about or wish to report over the weekend you can contact the Camp Director or our Welfare team onsite. Otherwise you can contact child safe support via scouts Victoria here: https://scoutsvictoria.com.au/join-the-adventure/child-safe-scouting/
Barbecue Trailers:
If your unit plans to bring a Barbecue Trailer they must contact the committee prior to the event at admin@anythinggoes.net.au, additionally, you must ensure the following conditions are adhered to;
1. Either of the following must be satisfied:
a. The wheels will be fully chocked on both sides of each wheel. A brick will not satisfy, a commercial chock must be used on each side of the wheel.
b. The wheels must be off the ground, jacked up by the jacks on each corner of the trailer. Therefore, there is no chance that the trailer can “runaway” for any reason.
2. The following must be stored locally to the trailer:
a. 1 x 1 kg current fire extinguisher must be on hand at all times.
b. 1x 9 kg current fire extinguisher must be on hand at all times.
3) The drawbar must be surrounded by either:
a. Temporary fencing
b. High visibility bollards
Either option is at your cost and not to the cost or detriment of AG.
These are required to provide visible daylight warning of the trailer being there, preventing injuries.
4) If 3)a. cannot be satisfied, and b. is enlivened, the drawbar must be covered either by a doona, or other soft covering to prevent any accidental injuries during the night.
Making this safe is at your cost and not to the cost or detriment of AG.
5) Placement of the trailer is on the site that is assigned to you. In this assignment, we will endeavour to ensure that the given site, is as flat as reasonably possible given other users of the site who have a higher priority for a flat site i.e. special needs access.
6) To use the barbeque trailer at AG, you the user must inform our admin team at admin@anythinggoes.net.au 1 month prior to the event so that we can reasonably accommodate condition 5 on your behalf.
7) If any of the above conditions are not followed by the user(s) of any barbeque trailer, the AG committee reserves all rights to:
a) Make safe, with costs assigned, and/or
b) Move the trailer, either offsite or to a location better suited, and/or
c) Remove and/or ban the trailer from coming to AG over the weekend or in the future , and/or
d) Any other action we the committee deem necessary either on advice from the committee or other such regulatory/ statutory/ contracting bodies.
Thank you for your time and co-operation. We strive to provide a safe event for all, whilst balancing the desire for an equitable solution, we hope to have reached this objective through these guidelines. Should you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us here.
Thank you for signing up your child for Anything Goes (AG). This will be a weekend they won't forget and is set our best event yet. To help them in attending, here are a few things you may need to know. Remember to always keep your Venturer in the loop as they'll be the one attending of course. Many groups will make their own communications surrounding the event so contact your group's leader if you are unsure.
Anything Goes is a fully supervised Venturing event run by Leaders & Rovers in Gippsland each year. The activity offers a range of on and off-site activities.
Anything Goes is a totally alcohol and drug-free event and energy drinks are also banned to reduce welfare issues. Any venturer found to have alcohol or drugs on site will be sent home and their entire unit will also be sent home regardless of the hour or transport arrangements.
The emergency contact number for the weekend will be 0482 170 014
Transport to AG is a pleasant drive down the Princes Highway to Drouin and the Lardner Park site is about 10km off the highway. Alternatively, Vline trains run from Southern Cross Station to Warragul on a regular basis and we can arrange to pick up your Venturer for a small fee from the Warragul train station and drop them back again on Sunday. Prior arrangement at least a week before the event is required for bus planning.
Parents dropping off Venturers are requested to follow the marshalls’ directions on site and to proceed to the designated car parking area. From there your Venturers will need to check in, and once checked in you may begin unloading your car and trailers.
Units/Venturers can leave the site from 1 pm on Sunday as long as they have site clearance. Shuttle buses will leave the transport tent area at 1 pm on Sunday afternoon.
Note that Venturers wishing to depart before Sunday afternoon will need to submit a passout through the registration system by 11am Saturday. This will need to be signed by parent/guardian, and our admin team will require a copy of the ID of the person picking them up.